Ensuring that everyone competes on equal terms is important to us. During 2015 we therefore introduced both random and selective drug testing. Read more about our drug policy below.

Step 1: Selection and vocation

1.1 Selection and vocation

The Competition Committee will determine which athletes will be tested and the selection can be done in three ways: random, after placement or named practitioner.

When you are called to a doping control the officer shall show you, his/her identification. You are then obliged to follow his/her directions. To ensure your identity is a good idea to show valid identification. The officer must inform you of your rights and responsibilities, and then ask you to sign the summons form and give you a copy.

1.2 Constant supervision

You are required to be under constant supervision by an officer, from the moment you were summon until the procedure is completed. After the summons, you should as soon as possible turn up at the control station, where your arrival is noted in the report.

You have the right to bring any person as trustee to the control station, which will also get more information about the procedure.

Step 2: Sampling

2.1 Sampling

When ready to submit a urine sample, select a collection vessel. It should be several to choose from.

Check that the package you choose is intact and that it is completely clean.

In order to eliminate the possibility of manipulation, leave urine sample under the supervision of an officer of the same sex as you. The officer unhindered see the urine leave your body. If possible, wash your hands thoroughly prior to sample submission.

After leaving sufficient amount, you should have the test under constant supervision until it is sealed.

Modifications in the routine can be made for minors and athletes with disabilities.

2.2 Spread sample

Choose a pack with two bottles to distribute the sample in. There will be several packages to choose from. Make sure that the package you choose is intact and that the bottles are clean and intact. Also make sure the numbers on the packaging and bottles are consistent.

Distribute the submitted urine sample, in the B and A bottle according to officer’s instructions.

Then you seal the bottles. The officer may handle your sample when you ask for help with anything. Bottle numbers noted in the report.

2.3 Checking the urine sample quality and quantity

The officer takes a few drops of urine from the collection vessel to verify that the urine meets requirements for laboratory analysis.

If the urine has low concentration / too little, you must submit a new test that will fulfill the laboratory requirements.

2.4 Your medications

Provide all use of drugs, vitamins, minerals and other supplements that you have taken the last seven days. The data recorded in the report.

Your right to privacy with respect to other present must be observed. You can choose to manually type the information on a piece of paper which then transmits to the report by the officer.

2.5 Write in

Carefully read and sign the protocol.

Do you have any comments to convey regarding the implementation, you can get this recorded in the report. With your signature you agree to the whole procedure and declare that the recorded information is correct.

The officer will give you a copy of the report and you are therefore ready with the control. Save this copy at least until you get answers on the analysis!

Step 3: Analysis and Test Results

3.1 Handling Chain

Once you have left the control station the officer fills in a form, “chain of custody”, that will show how the sample was handled, and by whom, until it arrives at the laboratory.

3.2 Transport

The sample, a copy of the “chain of custody” form and laboratory referral of the report are packed and then transported in a traceable system to the laboratory.

Name of the participant is not on laboratory referral. The laboratory does not know whose sample is analyzed.

The original report is sent to Livtjänst Sweden AB.

3.3 The Analysis

The sample is analyzed by a WADA accredited or approved laboratory.

The laboratory verifies that the sample has not been damaged or tampered with during transit and that laboratory referrals and “chain of custody”-copy matches the supplied samples.

It then analyzes the A-sample.

If the A-sample contains any prohibited substance, you have the right to request analysis of the B-sample under the condition the Participant itself pay the cost for new analysis. The Participant will then have the opportunity to be present in the laboratory.

3.4 Test results

Regardless of the analysis results, a written response from the Toughest is sent home to the address you have provided in the report. Expect it to take about three to five weeks.

If a test result is positive, i.e. show traces of any doping substances, you risk being punished with suspension. In this case the matter will be investigated by the Toughest, which determines whether it must be notified to punishment. A possible appeal determined by Toughest. The participant has the opportunity to be heard before any decision.

Toughest doping controls are certified in accordance with the WADA World Anti-Doping Code and associated mandatory standards and ISO 9001:2008.
